Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Staggering Effects Of Omega 3 Deficiency: Are You Getting Enough?

Omega-3 is considered one of the most important essential nutrients out there today. There are more than 27,000 published studies on EPA and DHA omega-3s! Every single cell in the body needs essential fatty acids, and deficiency has a profound effect on health that you must be aware of! 

Are you getting enough? How exactly can it help you? What health conditions does it ease? Find out more here..

The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition published three studies in 2008, which investigated the role of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids in elderly populations.The study found that low concentrations of these essential fatty acids resulted in an increased risk of death from all causes, as well as accelerated cognitive decline.
As we are all aging, should that not raise our interest?? 

Many studies looking at longevity and health, conclude that populations that eat fish regularly live longer and have significantly less chronic disease than populations that do not.

Studies also reveal now that ALL chronic degenerative illnesses are actually linked to inflammation. And omega 3 is known to have a powerful anti inflammatory effect!

If you or someone you love has diabetes, high cholesterol, recurrent infections, heart disease, arthritis, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, ADHD, cancer, allergies, Alzheimer's, is battling obesity, or you want to prevent these conditions then keep reading!

Did you know?
  • omega 3 deficiency is recognized by many integrative doctors and specialists as a common underlying factor for cancer and heart disease? 
  • deficiency causes and contributes to serious mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, suicide, aggressive behaviour, and schizophrenia?
  • globally MOST people, don't get enough omega-3 and are thus predisposing themselves to death and unnecessary suffering?
  • omega 3 improves hair, skin, and nails
  • reduces blood pressure
  • aids in prevention and treatment of arthritis
  • lowers triglyceride and cholesterol levels
  • reduces risk of stroke, and blood clot formation
  • heals candida, eczema, psoriasis
  • boosts learning, concentration, and memory
  • eases pain of inflammation so indicated for ALL inflammatory conditions
  • promotes healthy immune system, necessary for recovery from recurrent infections   

What is omega 3?
It is considered an essential fatty acid (EFA) because your body can't make it, so it must be supplied via the diet. 

EFA's are essential for rebuilding and producing new cells, and producing hormone like substances called prostaglandins, that act as chemical messengers and regulators of many body processes. 

In what foods is omega 3 found?
Omega 3 can be found in both animal and plant sources. 

Omega 3 constitutes three essential acids; 
  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) found in salmon, tuna, krill, herring, trout, sardines, anchovy and some other cold water fish
  • alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which can be found in flax seeds, chia seeds, cabbage family, walnuts, hemp, dark greens and pumpkin seeds.

ALA (alpha linolenic acid) is converted into EPA and DHA in the body however, the conversion rates are very poor. So if you have been consuming flax seed oil for a while and still have inflammatory symptoms, this may be the reason you're not getting relief (or because of excessive omega 6!). Most people have trouble converting ALA into EPA/DHA.

Also, most of the health benefits that have been linked to omega-3 fats are linked to the animal-based EPA and DHA, and not the plant-based ALA. So if you have a chronic condition it's probably safe to say that vegetarian options won't supply a high enough dose if you're looking for fast relief of symptoms. 

If however, you're wanting to maintain your current health or prevent these common inflammatory illnesses then vegetarian sources of course, are a fantastic daily addition that will deliver long term benefits. Understandably, with the world's current environmental issues and toxins abounding in our food chain, most people would want to make the most conscious choices.

Fascinating finds about omega 3
An Italian study of over 10,000 heart attack survivors found that people who supplemented with fish oils markedly reduced their risk of another heart attack, stroke, or death.

Omega 3 essential fatty acids are particularly concentrated in the brain—an organ composed of nearly 60% fat. DHA constitutes 20% of the total fatty acids in the cerebral cortex, which is the area involved in processing information, memory and attention span. So if you can't think straight then consider if you may benefit from more omega 3.

Fish oil has been used at a daily dose of 1-3gm to help alleviate the symptoms of ADHD in children. This is something parents would keenly want to be interested in!

Pregnant and breastfeeding women require omega 3 as their babies brain, nervous system and eye development is dependent on sufficient supply of their mothers resources. And women suffering post partum depression can find tremendous relief by supplementing with omega 3.

The more grains, processed food, sugar, factory farmed meats we consume, the more imbalance we cause. Our entire Western diet is geared toward producing inflammation and global statistics of inflammatory diseases, clearly indicate we have done this.

By becoming aware of the importance of omega 3's we can prevent and treat many of the previously mentioned conditions and start tipping the balance toward our recovery of health.

If this topic has sparked your interest then stay tuned. In my next blog I will be addressing the very common questions about supplementation. With our environment becoming more toxic every day, what brand is 'good'? How much do you need to take to feel an effect? How long for? What about krill oil as a source of omega 3? Are there effective vegan/vegetarian options? What to look for in a company that supplies top quality omega 3's? 

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